Baptism, or Christening, is a joyful event when a baby, young person or adult is received as a member of the world-wide Church. The service is arranged on request and the family and, if appropriate, the person to be baptised is encouraged to visit the church beforehand - perhaps by attending one of the Sunday Services.
You will be required to attend a Baptism Preparation Meeting where you will be given facts about Baptism, which we believe is a gift from God.Through Jesus' death and resurrection all people can be saved and baptism is the start of that 'new life' process. At the Preparation Meeting we will also spend time going through the service for your child's special day. We ask too that you bring your child to a 10.30am Sunday service on an agreed date. This is an important part of Baptism within our normal worship, whereby the Church family can fully welcome you and your child into our community. They will also be given their certificates, candle and Bible on this occasion.
We will provide a Baptism Friend for the person being baptised. A member of our congregation will liaise with the family before the Baptism, and then unobtrusively keep in touch afterwards, sending Birthday cards for example, or being available to provide support or advice if needed.
Please contact The Rector, Rev Sarah Corry, who will be more than happy to chat with you if you are interested in arranging a Baptism at St Edmund’s.